Well we went 15.7 miles today and reached Alto del Perdon – Peak of Forgiveness. There is a very famous monument to the pilgrims at the very top. It was an incredibly emotional day for me. But not for the reason I expected – at all!
I decided half way up to just pray for forgiveness from anyone I have caused pain. Going up was, of course, very hard, but the descent was even more difficult. A harrowing walk among rocks. That is where I sorted it all out. To my parents, if I have been impatient and neglectful, please forgive me. To my children, and believe me, I went one by one, if I have caused you distress, please forgive me. To my amazing husband, if I have been selfish and neglectful, please forgive me. To my students, if I have said anything to cause you distress, please forgive me. To my sisters, if I have been neglectful, please forgive me. To my amazing circle of friends, and I went through the list individually, if I have been self-centered and not as generous as you always are with me, please forgive me. Hey, it’s Sunday! Dear Lord, please forgive me for everything.
That’s all I can say today. I’ve cried enough tears for today – which made the descent even harder! Only tears of joy now.